Even with bitter cold gripping the nation, I cannot help but rejoice in the abundant blessings of the Lord. His mercy and goodness continue and overshadow any troubles we may face.
The following is an update on the work of the Newton church of Christ and a personal note. Thank you for taking time to consider it.
All continues to go well with the work in Newton. We rejoice because recently a sister who was out of duty for 15 years was restored to the Lord. Her name is Linda and her husband, Mickey, is obviously encouraged by her positive actions, as we all are.
Overall the congregation is at peace and pressing forward in the work. We have navigated the challenges of the pandemic while remaining united. It is a blessing to be here and see the brethren work together and stay focused on the cause.
One of the actions we are taking relative to the pandemic is buying air purifiers that kill the virus. We have purchased one unit to test it out and see how it does in the auditorium (mainly checking the noise level). If it is suitable, we will purchase more units to allow for full coverage of the space. These units are more expensive than other purifiers, but if they kill the virus and also purify the air in the old building, then we see it as a good investment. You can check them out here: https://www.brondell.com/pro-shop/
Teaching Efforts
The Word and Sword TV program continues to go well. We recently wrapped up a series on the Sacrifice of the Son. Over the next few months we plan to address denominationalism and Bible authority in two separate series of lessons.
During the program we are offering a free download of our guide on “How To Study The Bible.” Our hope is to use this as a tool to open the door for personal Bible studies. Please pray for this effort.
See past episodes the the TV program here: https://wordandsword.com/2021-tv-program/
I continue to post audio recordings of the Bible classes and write occasional articles on my website, ImplantedWord.com. The current class series is on Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians (ImplantedWord.com/epc). Previous ones include character studies from Hebrews 11 (ImplantedWord.com/legends) and Ezra-Nehemiah (ImplantedWord.com/ezra).
After five months with my mother-in-law, we finally moved into our own home at the end of January. Living here puts us much closer to the church building and to brethren who live nearby. We look forward to getting settled in and strengthening our connections to the brethren.
My financial support is steadily increasing. The congregation here has been generous in providing two raises since my arrival. This is possible as the contribution has increased over the past several months. Also, one couple from Texas that helps with support increased their monthly amount by $500. Truly God has been good to us!
Having said that, I am lacking about $10,000 per year of my goal for full support. I will appreciate any help with this, either by your direct financial support or sharing this information with others. You can pass on my phone number and/or email below.
I continue to solicit your prayers above all and pray God will bless and keep you.
– Steven