Introduction Nehemiah is mostly written in the first person and therefore believed to be chiefly the work of Nehemiah. The other parts are thought to be either written or compiled ...
What Is Faith? | Hebrews 11:1-3 To understand the characters of faith, we will need to know what faith is. Is it a feeling or an action; an attitude or ...
Ezra Was Informed Of Unlawful MarriagesEzra 9:1-4 In the Law, Moses specifically forbade Israelites from marrying pagans (Deut. 7:1-8). This is because the idolatrous religions would affect God’s people. Two ...
Preview of Ezra’s ReturnEzra 7:1-10 Fifty-seven years has passed since the events of Ezra 6. During this time Darius died, Xerxes (Ahasuerus), the story of Esther unfolded, and Artaxerxes began ...
Temple Work ResumedEzra 5:1-5 In 520 BC, after 16 years of idleness, God sent Haggai and Zechariah to motivate the Jews to resume work on the temple. The Jews had ...
The Altar Was RebuiltEzra 3:1-7 The priority of the returned captives was to reestablish the worship of Jehovah according to the Law of Moses. To accomplish this, one of the ...