Your Deposit


Your Deposit

Paul said, “For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day” (2 Tim. 1:12).

In the context Paul is urging Timothy not to be ashamed of the word of God nor its faithful defenders (2 Tim. 1:8-11). Paul’s lack of shame with regard to these things brought him a great deal of suffering and was leading to his death (2 Tim. 4:6-8). Still, he had confidence in God. It was He that Paul believed in and knew to be faithful.

Paul made a commitment. The original Greek word here is parathēkē and means “a deposit, a trust or thing consigned to one’s faithful keeping” (Thayer). Paul had committed his soul to God. In a sense he had deposited his soul with the Lord for safe keeping.

It used to be many people had “safe deposit boxes” at the bank (some still use them). Valuable papers, jewelry, and cash were often stored in them. The idea was that the bank is a secure location and the safe deposit box room was fortified against fire and other potential disasters. So it is with the soul’s safe keeping with God.

There is nothing more valuable than the soul. In fact, Jesus said that it would be a losing deal to trade your soul for the whole world (Mark 8:36). With such a high worth, what better place to “deposit” your soul for safe keeping than with the Almighty God? Paul was confident God could preserve it until the Judgment. We need that confidence too.

Jesus made a similar argument in John 10:27-29. When a man or woman places their soul into the keeping of the Lord, no one is able to steal them away. Can a person leave the Lord’s safe keeping? Yes. However, as long as a man stays committed to God, as Paul did, his soul is secure.

Insecurity of the soul comes when we do not have it safely deposited with the Lord. Many are not truly committed to Him. It is like the man who believes his money is secure on the blackjack table. He is convinced his money will return to him…usually in abundance. He does not see the inherent risk and ultimate loss. Still, he confidently places his bet.

Many gamble with their soul. Some deposit it with themselves by following their own dictates, which only leads to destruction (Prov. 14:12). Others put their treasure into the safe keeping of the doctrines and traditions of man, which will be uprooted in the last great day (Matt. 15:7-14). The security they suppose they have is just an illusion—just like the chips on the blackjack table.

When your soul is on deposit with God, you will be able to endure tremendous trials and suffering. Paul was able “to suffer these things” because he entrusted his soul to the Lord. A committed Christian can be ridiculed, mocked, scorned, cursed, beaten, threatened with death, and even endure it, without reservation (cf. 2 Cor. 4:7-18; 11:23-33). There is nothing to intimidate a child of God because he knows Who is on his side. “Do what you will, I know the Lord will be with me,” is his declaration.

Where is your soul deposited? Have you entrusted it to the fleeting things of this world? Have you in your finite wisdom decided to guard it yourself? Or, is it in the protection of the Creator? One is secure, the other inherently insecure.

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