Man often gets too “big for his britches.” We think a lot of ourselves. This is called hubris. Solomon cuts us down to size as he opens his epic work ...
Jesus said, Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all ...
The wise man said, There is one alone, without companion: He has neither son nor brother. Yet there is on end to all his labors, Nor is his eye satisfied ...
In Genesis 18:16-33, we read where God revealed the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to Abraham. Abraham petitioned God to spare the cities if there were enough righteous people ...
Greek: Hagios Vine’s: “…fundamentally signifies separated (among the Greeks, dedicated to the gods), and hence, in Scripture in its moral and spiritual significance, separated from sin and therefore consecrated to ...
Greek: Kurios Vine’s: “properly an adjective, signifying having power (kuros) or authority, is used as a noun, variously translated in the N.T., “’Lord,’ … ‘Master,’…” Thayer’s: “he to whom a ...
God told Abimelech, “You are a dead man” (Gen. 20:3). This was not for stealing money, murder, or blasphemy. It was because he innocently took another man’s wife (Gen. 20:5). ...